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It’s fair to say that a business cannot hope to survive, let alone succeed, if it doesn’t innovate. But some of the cleverest innovations of the modern age have in fact caused significant damage to the environment, and to people.

Most of us are uncomfortably aware that our planet is on the brink of an ecological disaster of our own making. All of us need to change our ways to be more sustainable. Businesses, in particular, need to lead the way. They use a huge amount of energy and resources, compared to individuals. It’s imperative that sustainability goes hand in hand with innovation, and that’s what this course is all about.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Describe what sustainability means for businesses
• Evaluate examples of sustainable business practices
• Discuss the barriers and advantages to adopting sustainable practices

Why take this course?

Everyone’s talking about sustainability these days. It’s good that we’re all having that conversation, but what we need is action. This course explores how companies can be swayed to make changes and adopt more sustainable practices. Every single person can make a difference if they change their way of thinking, and businesses stand to gain if they commit to sustainable innovation.

10 mins | SCORM | Development Plan