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As a salesperson, you’re eager for consumers to look at all of the products you have on offer. But if there’s too much choice, you can risk buyers feeling overwhelmed. They could avoid making a decision at all and may stick to what they already know, or worse, walk away from a sale completely. You can use SNAP Selling as a sales framework to create valuable conversations with overwhelmed buyers.

SNAP Selling follows 4 stages: keep it simple, be invaluable, always align, and raise priorities. By following these rules, you can begin to understand how to work with buyers who have a variety of products to choose from. You can then focus on selling specific products as the solution to the desired prospects. This course is designed to explain the rules and help you implement them.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Define the 4 stages of SNAP Selling
• Describe how to apply the 3 decisions of SNAP Selling
• Adopt the SNAP Selling methodology for your sales process

Why take this course?

You never want potential customers to feel stressed during the buying process. As someone who works in sales, it’s vital that you ensure customers can purchase with ease. This course will outline the 4 stages of SNAP Selling and help you apply the 3 decisions of SNAP Selling. You’ll also learn how to adopt the SNAP Selling methodology for your sales process.

10 mins | SCORM | Infographic