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Have you ever watched a news item, or read an article about a glamourous celebrity following an ‘amazing new fitness regime’ and decided to give it a try for yourself? The chances are, if you’d just seen an ad for the same fitness regime, without a strong image or back story, you probably wouldn’t have given it a second thought. That’s because things such as a strong visual or back story harness the power of suggestion to connect our emotions.

In business, the power of suggestion is a great way of selling your brand. Modern advertising has made it much easier to effectively market products by showing their benefits to prospects rather than simply telling them. Using this approach can improve your sales and boost your company’s reputation.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Understand why the simple “Hard Sell” no longer works
• Identify how powerful images can say more than words
• Create effective content to help convert sales

Why take this course?
In a world where consumers are savvier, using “Show, don’t tell” will keep you ahead of the game. If you’re a business owner or marketing manager, this course offers useful tips on mastering the art of subtle persuasion, by showing customers you understand their needs and demonstrating how your product can help.

10 mins | SCORM | Workbook