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Meetings provide the opportunity to collaborate and catch up with colleagues. And sometimes, there are even snacks and coffee – bonus! But have you ever left a meeting excited about a new project, only to find you can’t quite remember what you need to do? Maybe you’ve taken notes, then realized they’re more like cryptic clues than useful information. Or maybe you write epic notes that cover everything from the weather to the details of Mike’s recent holiday?

Taking good meeting notes will help you remember the key points discussed, along with what needs to be done. It’ll allow you to stay focused and present. And when formal minutes aren’t being taken, it can even provide a useful reference point for team members not in attendance.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Explain the purpose of capturing meeting actions
• Describe different methods of taking notes
• Choose tips to help you take useful notes in all your meetings

Why take this course?

Meetings are a big part of most people’s professional lives. Everyone can benefit from learning to make the most of time spent with colleagues by taking good notes. Whether you’re attending impromptu 1-to-1s or meetings with formal agendas, this course will help you take useful notes.

10 mins | SCORM | Development Plan